
Select activities based on "age, type, duration, distance from Dali, and whether there are puppies"

Choose by age

aldult Old man with good legs and feet Suitable for all ages Elderly man with bad legs
1 year old 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old
5 years old 6 years old 7 years old 8 -11 years old
12 years and older


Distance from Dali:
    Near Dali Ancient Town Nearby Town Other counties

    Go to other states

    (Generally itinerary of more than two days)

    Within 10 km

    20-30 km

    40-120 km

    >120 km


    Time period and duration:

      In the morning


      Afternoon to evening


      Full Day Tour

      2-Day Tour

      3-day itinerary


      Does the guide bring a dog?

      Yes, it's possible, but not sure

      No Puppy


      Type of travel activity:
        Cultural and natural trips Cycling
        Paddleboards, kayaks and sailboats camping
        Go picking in the forest Tea Garden Tea House 
         Handicraft in the studio or outdoors CityWalk, a historic and cultural ancient town
         Hiking is divided into: Mini Hike , Light hiking , Middle distance hiking
        Nature observation i.e. stargazing , bird watching , beekeeping


        The above is a single-dimensional filter. If you want to meet several conditions at the same time, please visit: All Experiences

        And filter here:

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        1 comment

        太好玩了 开森


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