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Guide Introduction

He Nana

He Nana

Language provided by the space: English

Map location:

Whether a visit requires an appointment: Yes, reservation is required

WeChat: henanawhatelse

Distance from Dali Ancient Town:

I first met He Nana about ten years ago. She often came to the "Midnight Diner" for dinner. She was a pretty girl. Xiaochun and I didn't know her name. Because she had a canine tooth, we always called her "Little Canine Tooth". Many years have passed. A few months ago, because of an article "He Nana's solo exhibition "The Slightest Surge" After an interview with Bo Qunfa the day before yesterday, I realized that she is actually a special artist!

Regarding Art Space and He Nana, I found an interview, I hope you can learn more about her from here:

NOBY and his friends丨He Nana: the owner of whatelse studio

Her work yard is in a village at the foot of Cangshan Mountain, with living space to provide:

What Art "Home" Space and What Room

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